3 Non-Toxic Truths Behind Operating a Short-Term Rental on Cape Cod
For owners, operators and property managers.

As the leading experts in Covid compliant sanitation practices, a local source for vendor referrals with access to the industry’s leading technology, we want to share 3 Non-Toxic Truths Behind Operating a Short-Term Rental on Cape Cod.
Whether your short term rental home is quaint and cozy or large and luxurious, your guest expectations don’t differ when it comes to cleanliness. The value of a professional cleaning service for your rental property is priceless. In today’s market you can find a million eco-friendly cleaning products. Why wouldn’t you take advantage of the trend and advertise your vacation rental property as “Green?” This article is for anyone dreaming of or is already an owner, operator or manager of short-term rental properties. Contact me at https://cleaningcollaborative.com/contact/ for more information about Non-Toxic Cleaning and Short Term Rental Property management.
Excerpt & true story from, The Cleaning Diaries

“Dear Diary, I’m super excited to have been promoted to the HR position here at work. Interviewing students enrolled in the J1 work and travel program for the house cleaning position. Meeting these incredible people from around the world via Skype as been an incredible experience. I’ve assured them and their families a fun and safe experience here in Wellfleet, MA, USA.
My hires have arrived, safe and sound. However, something isn’t sitting well with me. As we completed the last hour of in-house training, I realized I had just handed them a bucket of cleaning chemicals and asked them to go poison themselves. Sigh.
There is a better way.“
Non-Toxic Truth #1: Its notable if they notice.
Non-toxic cleaning products are important to Cape Cod visitors. As vacation rental property managers we receive hundreds of inquiries each year specifically about the products that are used for cleaning. This is important to your clients when operating a short-term rental on Cape Cod. Whether they are passionate about supporting the movement or making health & wellness a priority, it’s important to ensure your guests feel at home and safe during their stay.
We know consumers are shopping for safe cleaning options. Why not stock the shelves with what they want? Providing chemical free cleaning solutions for your guests to use during their stay will not only encourage them to clean up after themselves but it is a common notable mention in positive guest reviews! Its notable if they notice. How will you stand out in a sea of rentals?
If you’re not sure what to stock in your Cape Cod vacation rental home and would like a complete list, check out this post, Shop & Stock, it’s a great place to start!

Non-Toxic Truth #2: On Cape Cod fish are friends & food.
Protecting our fragile ecosystem here on Cape Cod is a priority. Investment property owners and property managers should consider as many eco-friendly products as possible. You will be aiding in the protection and preservation of the groundwater, plants, landscape, and marine life. Choose to purchase more environmentally friendly products, as a result, you are making a positive impact on the future of your investment home. For example, choose biodegradable dish soap.
Travelers love to eat local, fresh food, no matter their destination. In this fishing community, fish are friends & food!
To make this easier to understand, imagine the specials menu at one of our most popular seafood restaurants reading, Cape Cods Favorite Clorox-Clam Strip Roll or Lobster ala Lysol. Protecting our local resources will allow this vacation destination to continue to thrive.
Non-Toxic Truth #3: Safe cleaning products are affordable.
Green cleaning products are a great way to market your business. But did you know they can be cost effective too?
Safe cleaning products are affordable. By making your own cleaning solutions you will one, decrease your carbon footprint. Two, you cut down on the number of containers you buy. Thirdly and equally important… you will save money! Your shipping and product expenses will decrease. Less plastic, fewer shipping containers and cardboard and less transport emissions.
Cape Cod Cleaning Collaborative uses a chemical free product and I keep them no secret. I encourage homeowners and PMs to watch this demo at https://thecape.cloud/KangenDemo. Here, you will learn more about how we make our own cleaning products in house.
Want to get started today? Check out Make Your Own Zone by one of my favorites Do it yourself bloggers! Beverly’s Sal Suds Dilution Sheet & Cleaning Recipes is full of sudsy value.

The real estate market and short-term rental industry continues to dominate on The Cape & Islands. Short-term rentals are competitive. We rely on seasonal visitors more than ever, however, let us not forget it’s the natural beauty that attracts our visitors to Cape Cod. Be sure you are presenting your vacation rental home in its brightest and most natural light.
Are you operating or thinking about operating a short-term rental on Cape Cod and want to level up your visibility, guest satisfaction and profits? Book a 20 complimentary coaching session with me! I look forward to finding out how I can effectively help you streamline your vacation rental business.
See you then!